The Global Change Research Institute of the Czech Academy of Science and the Mendel University in Brno in cooperation with
the Science for Carpathians and the Institute of Landscape Ecology of SAS, the Centre for Ecological Research in Budapest, the University of Vermont, the Pedagogical University of Krakow, the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, the University of Bucharest, and the Ukrainian National Forestry University cordially invite your participation in:
An international scientific conference
the Environmental, Political and Societal Aspects for
Carpathian Sustainability
Due to the minimal interest in the in-person form, the conference will be organized only online. The final deadline for registration and fee payment is 17th June.
The Forum Carpaticum is an open meeting of the Science for the Carpathians (S4C) initiative. S4C – Science for the Carpathians – connects scientists in Central Europe, defines research priorities for the region, provides applicable findings for the politics of the region and enhances international collaboration with partners from outside the Carpathians.
Conference Venue
The conference will be held from 21st June to 25th June 2021 as an online event.
Conference goals
- Advance Carpathian research on climate, water, ecological processes, nature conservation, sustainable use of natural resources, human-environment interactions, education for sustainable development
- Actively encourage researchers and stakeholders to exchange ideas, knowledge and research results, fostering dialogue between researchers, policy makers, and practitioners
- Promote new inter-disciplinary and trans-disciplinary collaborations, establishing links between S4C, local and regional authorities, and stakeholders involved in environmental management
Conference themes (including, but not restricted to)
- Assessment of climate change vulnerabilities within forest and agricultural sectors, as well as associated adaptation opportunities
- Concepts of the Biological & Circular-Economy and relationships with sustainable use of natural resources in the Carpathians
- Effects of biodiversity loss on provisioning of ecosystem services in the Carpathians
- Rural-urban relationships, including connectivity of green infrastructure and surrounding landscapes
- Conservation science and practical policy measures to promote sustainability
- Carpathian waters – from knowledge to management and sustainable use
- Advances in earth observations for sustainable development
- Traditional land management, rural development, smart & sustainable planning, social innovation, and sustainable tourism
- Historical human-environment interactions, including environmental crime, such as illegal logging
- Spatial justice (the rural urban divide, rural urban interlinkages, the delivery of services of general interests), and governance (that includes any legal act or normative rules as well as other formal or informal instruments or tools to manage or steer transition processes)
- Present and future education for the sustainable Carpathians
Call for abstracts (for oral presentations and posters)
Participants are invited to submit abstracts of papers and posters related to the themes of the Conference. The abstract must be written in English. To submit an abstract please follow this procedure and make use of the template on the conference website: DOCUMENTS.
Please send your abstracts to Radek Plch (plch.r@czechglobe.cz)
Proposal for Assorting Sessions
Vulnerabilities of natural resources
- Wyżga B., Zawiejska J., Małek S.: Carpathian waters: From knowledge to management
- Pokorný R.: Tree and forest growth across Carpathians – from past to future
- Keeton W., McCallum S., Kuraś K., Musco E., Egerer H.: Forest ecosystem and resource vulnerabilities to climate change in the Carpathian Mountain Region
- Nezval O.: Study of the temporal and spatial variability primary production and carbon allocation in Carpathian forests
- Kutal M., Duľa M.: Large carnivores in the Carpathians: challenges for effective conservation and management
Archives, data and modelling for the sustainable use of natural resources
- Florescu G., Haliuc A., Mîndrescu M.: Perspectives through palaeoscience for a sustainable future of the Carpathian environments
- Ostapowicz K.: Advances in earth observations for sustainable development in mountainous regions
- Kaim D., Ostafin K., Munteanu C.: Applications of historical data in geography, land use, ecology and conservation
- Halada Ľ., Mederly P.: Recent and future changes of agricultural areas of Carpathian
- Pechanec V., Cudlín P.: Modelling of the biodiversity and ecosystem functions/services for nature protection and sustainable use of natural resources in the Carpathians
Societal aspects for Carpathian sustainability – Human-environment interactions
- Bihun Y., Karabchuk D.: Social, economic, and environmental impacts of illegal logging in the forests of the Carpathian Ecological Region
- Hoffmann C.: Cross sectoral issues – the Carpathians valued as a living place
- Matei E., Mika M.: Global changes and local responses: Resilience, adaptations, innovations for the sustainable development of Carpathians tourist destinations
- Mitrofanenko T., Zawiejska J., Dlouhá J., Matei E.: Best practices of education for sustainable development in the Carpathians and other mountainous regions
- Cooley T. J., Trebunia-Staszel S., Trzeszczyńska P., Sochacki Ł.: Scientists and humanists working together to propose new (and old) approaches to ecology in the Carpathians
Developing better policies
- Nijnik M., Perlik M., Melnykovych M., Kopiy S.: The power of social innovation in mountain areas to steer a sustainable governance of nature
- Hoffmann C.: Rural urban relationships to enable equivalent living conditions in the Carpathians
- Kubal-Czerwińska M., Krzesiwo K.: Getting it done right: Mediation for sustainable use and reuse of the Carpathians resources
- Forest ecosystem and resource vulnerabilities to climate change in the Carpathian Mountain region.
Organizers: Keeton B., McCallum S., Kuraś K., Musco E., Egerer H. - Integrating Education for Sustainable Development into the activities of the Carpathian Convention – towards the Carpathian ESD Working Group.
Organizer: Mitrofanenko T. - Becoming better science writers and science communicators for the Carpathians.
Organizer: Munteanu C. - Inter- and transdisciplinary mountain data in the Carpathians: Identifying user requirements and access preferences.
Organizers: Adler C., Palazzi E., Thornton J. - Biodiversity and connectivity of rural-urban forests: planning and sustainable land management at the peripheral edges.
Organizer: Diaz-Maroto I.J.
Formatting of contributions into sessions | ||
Session Title | Authors | Presentation form |
1. Vulnerabilities of natural resources | ||
Carpathian waters: From knowledge to management | Wyżga B., Zawiejska J., Małek S. | |
Twentieth-century development of floodplain forests in Polish Carpathian valleys: the by-product of transformation of river channels? | Hajdukiewicz H., Wyzga B. | O- oral presentation |
Morphological changes of the Hornád River stream and its management- retrospective view | Labaš P., Kidová A. | O- oral presentation |
The downstream fining trends of two neighbouring rivers; the difference in significance of the disruption factors | Holušová A. , Galia T. | O- oral presentation |
Scientific monitoring of immediate and long-term effects of river restoration projects in the Polish Carpathians | Wyzga B., Amirowicz A., Bednarka A., Byllak A., Hajdukiewicz H., Kędzior R., Kukuła K., Liro M., Mikuś P., Oglęcki P., Radecki-Pawlik A., Zawiejska J. | O- oral presentation |
Endosymbionts of threatened thick shelled river mussel Unio crassus Philipsson, 1788 in Carpathians | Zając K., Zajac T. | O- oral presentation |
Role of vegetation cover in water and soil retention modeling in the Dřevnice River basin, Czech Republic | Jakubínský J., Pechanec V., Prokopová M., Cudlín, P. | O- oral presentation |
Patterns of beaver (re)colonization of the Orava-NowyTarg Basin, Polish Carpathians | Zawiejska J., Chmielowska D. | O- oral presentation |
Large wood and the city: the case study of the Ostravice river, Czechia | Poledniková Z., Galia T. | O- oral presentation |
Long-term monitoring of the recruitment and dynamics of large wood in Kamienica Stream, Polish Carpathians | Mikuś P., Wyżga B. | O- oral presentation |
Exploring and quantifying the impact of climate change on Carpathian rivers | Kędra M. | O- oral presentation |
Morphological-hydraulic river response to management measures in Natura 2000 (the Belá River case study, Slovakia) | Kidová A., Radecki- Pawlik A., Rusnák M., Pleinski K. | O- oral presentation |
Managed mountain streams as boosters of downstream sediment transport | Galia T. , Škarpich V., Ruman S. | O- oral presentation |
Where do fine sediments come from? A study of natural and anthropogenic processes, connectivity and flood efficiency in a southwestern Carpathian basin | Moroșanu G.A., Zaharia L., loana- Toroimac G., Jurchescu M. | O- oral presentation |
Climate data over the Carpathian Region - challenges for environmental applications | Micu D. M. , Bîrsan M-V., Cheval S., Dumitrescu A., Manea A., Niţă A., Amihăesei V. | O- oral presentation |
The effects of road crossings on stream macroinvertebrate diversity | Gál B., Weiperth A., Farkas J., Schmera D. | P- poster presentation |
Stable isotope variability in precipitation and underground drip water along an orographic transect (South Carpathians, Romania) | Tîrlă L., Dragusin V., Ersek V., Mirea I., Cruceru N. | P- poster presentation |
Water resources in small flysch catchments in the Bieszczady Mountains | Mostowik K. | P- poster presentation |
Water Reservoirs in the Paríž Stream catchment | Borovská J., Mojses M., Rusnák T. | P- poster presentation |
Tree and forest growth across Carpathians - from past to future | Pokorný R. | |
What is possible future of the European beech in the Carpathians? | Pokorný R. | O- oral presentation |
Response of beech and fir along the Carpathian gradient | Čater M. | O- oral presentation |
Patterns and drivers of tree longevity across primary mountain forests of Europe | Pavlin J. | O- oral presentation |
Transition from even aged spruce to uneven-aged close-to-nature mixed forest stands - a challenge for economical optimisation and planning | Roessiger J., Kulla L., Murgaš V., Sedliak M., Kovalčík M. | O- oral presentation |
European beech as a main edificator of the vegetation tiers in the Carpathians Mts. – in what time horizon will the changes be noticeable? | Holuša O., Holušová K. | O- oral presentation |
Factors of Norway spruce (/Picea abies/) survival during severe bark beetle (/Ips typographus/) outbreak in Central Europe: non-linear tree resistance responses | Korolyova Nataliya, Arne Buechling, Renata Ďuračiová, Rastislav Jakuš | P- poster presentation |
Forest ecosystem and resource vulnerabilities to climate charge in the Carpathian Mountain Region | Keeton W., McCallum S., Kuras K., Musco E., Egerer H. | O- oral presentation |
Model-based potential natural vegetation projections accounting for climate change to assist decisions for forestry and grazing practices | Somodi I., Bede-Fazekas Á., Molnár Z. | O- oral presentation |
Saving the timber but not the forest: Post-disturbance management is ineffective in preventing further Norway spruce forest decline in Slovakia | Potterf M., Svitok M., Jarčuška B., Mezei P., Jakuš R , Baláž P., Blaženec M. | O- oral presentation |
Soil biological activity changes as a result of windthrow in the Javorová Valley (the High Tatra Range) | Wasak-Sęk K., Błońska E., Chmolowska D., Klimek B., Hreško J. , Stolarczyk M. | O- oral presentation |
Effect of management interventions after windstorm on ectomycorrhizal fungal community | Veselá P., Vašutová M., Edwards-Jonášová M., Holub F., Fleischer P., Cudlín P. | O- oral presentation |
Postdisturbance development of vegetation in the High Tatras | Homolová Z. | O- oral presentation |
Cost-benefit analysis of spruce monocultures conversion: evidence from the Ukrainian Carpathians | Pelyukh O., Zahvoyska L. | P- poster presentation |
Study of the temporal and spatial variability primary production and carbon allocation in Carpathian forests | Nezval O. | |
A new approach of phenological observations: using digital repeat photography to estimation of phenophases of European beech forest in the White Carpatian | Nezval O. | O- oral presentation |
Carbon modelling of primary forests: an example from the Carpathians | Keith H., Mikolas M., Svoboda M., Kun Z. | O- oral presentation |
Primary forest biomass dynamics across scales driven by natural disturbances | Ralhan D., Svoboda M., Keith H., Mikoláš M., Janda P. | O- oral presentation |
BEECH POWER: World Heritage BEECH Forests: emPOWERing and catalyzing an ecosystem-based Sustainable Development | Waldherr M., Öllös H. | O- oral presentation |
Natural dynamics of temperate mountain beech-dominated primary forests in the Western Carpathians | Frankovič M., Janda P. Čada V., Kozák D., Trotsiuk V., Mikoláš M., Pettit J., Nagel T. A., Buechling A., Dušátko M., Kameniar O., Lábusová J., Vostárek O., Gloor R., Svoboda M. | O- oral presentation |
Large carnivores in the Carpathians: Challenges for effective conservation and management | Kutal M.,Duľa M. | |
Large carnivores in the Carpathians: Challenges for effective conservation and management | Kutal M., Duľa M. | O- oral presentation |
Brown bear predation on sheep and cows in the Carpathian landscapes | Pop I.M., Dyck M., Iojă C., Popescu V.D. | O- oral presentation |
The project LIFEstockProtect. Livestock protection from farmers for farmers | Stauder J., Favilli F. | O- oral presentation |
Attitudes toward large carnivores in Serbia | Lavadinović V., Djordjević M., Popović Z., Beuković D., Cokoski K. | O- oral presentation |
2. Archives, data and modelling for the sustainable use of natural resources | ||
Perpectives thouqh palaeosience for a sustainable future of the Carpathian environments | Florescu G. | |
Natural archives from the Eastern Carpathians: paleoclimatic insights for climate future projections | Bădăluță C., Perșoiu A., Bădăluță G. | O- oral presentation |
Climate change and human impact on the vegetation of the Carpathian foreland (Ukraine) over the last 5,000 years based on pollen studies at archaeological sites | Gerasimenko N., Yurchenko T., Rohozin Y. | O- oral presentation |
Equilibrium line altitude (ELA) in the highest mountain massifs of the Eastern Carpathians (Romania, Ukraine) as a proxy for the Last Glacial Maximum palaeoclimate. | Kłapyta P., Zasadni J., Mîndrescu M. | O- oral presentation |
Signs of glacial activity in the mid-height mountains of Ukrainian Carpathians | Ridush B., Popiuk Y., Ridush O. | O- oral presentation |
Advances in earth observations for sustainable development in mountainous regions | Ostapowicz K. | |
Remote sensing for monitoring the fulfilment of vegetation functions | Vyvlečka, P. Pechanec V. | O- oral presentation |
Land use intensity trajectories on forest-rural-urban areas obtained from dense Landsat time series | Ostapowicz K. Butsic V. | O- oral presentation |
Forest aboveground biomass mapping from satellite optical and radar data | Navratilová B., Brovkina O., Loayza-Fernandez R.R., Albert J., Cienciala E. | O- oral presentation |
LiDAR as a tool for detection of historical anthropogenic landforms: examples from Slovakia | Lieskovský J., Lieskovský T., Hladíková K., Štefunková D., Hurajtová N. | O- oral presentation |
Applications of historical data in geography, land use, ecology and conservation | Kaim D., Ostafin K., Munteanu C. | |
Stone mounds and walls as a current manifestation of past human-environmental interactions in vine regions of Little Carpathian mountains (case study of Modra, Slovakia) | Hanušin J., Štefunková D. , Rusnák M. | O- oral presentation |
High resolution 19th century buildings, railway and road network database for the Galicia and Austrian Silesia, Habsburg Empire | Kaim D., Szwagrzyk M., Taczanowski J., Dobosz M., Troll M., Ostafin K. | O- oral presentation |
A century of population dynamics in the Romanian Carpathians (1910– 2020). Factors, spatial patterns and regional disparities | Muntele I., Istrate M., Athes H. | O- oral presentation |
Changes in selected land cover forms in Galicia in the 20th century and the diversification of socio-economic development in Poland and Ukraine. The study based on cartographic and statistical materials - preliminary results. | Quirini-Popławski Ł., Dorocki S., Jucha W., Kroczak R., Struś P., Andreichuk Y. | O- oral presentation |
Historical remote sensing for ecology and conservation in the Carpathians Ecoregion | Nita M.D., Oeser J., Prishepov, A.V., Radeloff V.C., Seidl R., Senf C. | O- oral presentation |
The great landed property in Galicia in the middle of 19th century: its legacy and influence on contemporary forest areas | Miklar A., Ostafin K., Kozak J. | P- poster presentation |
Countertrending local knowledge erosion: persistence of traditional cattle healing practices in the Bukovinian Carpathians | Mattalia G., Stryamets N., Pieroni A., Volpato G., Sõukand R. | P- poster presentation |
Long-Term Development Trend of the Historical Cultural landscape of the UNESCO Monument: Vlkolínec (Slovakia) | Boltižiar M. , Petrovič F. , Rakytová I. , Tomčíková I. , Pauditšová E. | P- poster presentation |
Recent and future changes of agricultural areas of Carpathians | Halada L., Mederly P. | |
Recent changes and processes of Carpathian agricultural areas with particular focus to Slovakia | Halada Ľ., Lieskovský J., Mederly P., Petrovič F., Mojses M. | O- oral presentation |
Changes in Slovak rural landscape, in the context of globalization | Izakovičová Z., Špulerová J. | O- oral presentation |
The mid-term sustainability evaluation of predicted scenarios in agricultural landscape of the Poloniny NP | Bezák P. , Bezáková M. | O- oral presentation |
Chestnut groves as a habitats for threatened and rare plant species – case study of Nagymaros | Zeller Z., Pástor M. | O- oral presentation |
Measures to support wild bees and their pollination service | Šlachta M., Cudlín O., Včeláková R., Votavová A., Cudlín P. | O- oral presentation |
The connection between environmental predictors and regeneration capacity of sandy habitats in Hungary | Csákvári E. , Horváth F. , Molnár Z., Halassy M. | P- poster presentation |
Changes in the use of agricultural land and soil quality properties in the conditions of the submountain countryside land in the Slovak part of the Carpathians | Petluš P., Petlušová V., Petrovič F., Ševčík M., Moravčík M. | P- poster presentation |
Modeling of the biodiversity and ecosystem fuctions/services for nature protection and sustainable use of natural resources in the Carpathians | Pechanec V., Cudlín P. | |
Risk assessment of biodiversity loss in the Beskydy Protected Landscape Area | Pechanec V., Cudlín O., Štěrbová L. , Cudlín P. | O- oral presentation |
Scaling effect on the aboveground carbon stock assessment | Purkyt J., Pechanec V., Plch R., Cudlín O., Štěrbová L., Cudlín P. | O- oral presentation |
Estimated impacts of climate change to selected ecosystem services of forests under different management – a case study from the West Carpathians | Murgaš V., Kulla L., Barka I., Sedliak M., Sarvašová Z. | O- oral presentation |
Mapping and assessment of recreation as a cultural ecosystem service | Csákvári E. , Dósa H., Mártonné Máthé K., Michalkó G. , Zölei A. | O- oral presentation |
Climate regulating ecosystem services of old-growth forests: case study from Ukrainian Carpathians | Smaliychuk A. , Smaliychuk Н. , Kruhlov I. | O- oral presentation |
Ecosystem services provided by wild plants as a basis for sustainable livelihood | Nowak-Olejnik A. | P- poster presentation |
Modeling present and prospective distribution of Phyteuma genus in Carpathian region with machine learning techniques using open climatic and soil data | Mkrtchian A. | P- poster presentation |
3. Societal aspects for Carpathian sustainability – Human-environment interactions | ||
Social economic, and environmental impacts of illegal legging in the forests of the Carpahtian Ecological region | Bihun Y., Karabchuk D. | |
WorldForestID: Addressing the need for standardized wood reference collections to support authentication analysis technologies; a way forward for checking the origin and identity of traded timber | Gasson P., Lancaster C., Young R., Redston S., Miles-Bunch I., Rees G., Guillery P., Lebow B., Parker-Forne M. | O- oral presentation |
NGO capacity building in Ukraine to fight illegal timber harvesting | Karabchuk D., Bihun Y. | O- oral presentation |
Near real-time monitoring of forest stands to combat illegal timber harvesting in Ukrainian Carpathians | Chaskovskyy O., Karabchuk D. | O- oral presentation |
Tools for risk mitigation in sustainable forest management of Ukraine | Kravets P., Pavlishchuk O., Khan Y., Kravets P. | O- oral presentation |
Wildlife crime in Eastern Europe – case study of Serbia | Lavadinović V., Islas C. | O- oral presentation |
Cross sectoral issues - the Carpathians valued as a living place | Hoffman C. | |
Conservation and valorisation of the Carpathians landscape from the environment legislation point of view. Case study | Verga M., Andra-Toparceanu A., Marin A. | O- oral presentation |
Integration and reconciliation of biodiversity protection with local socio-economic development in Carpathian protected areas | Bisconti S., De Bortoli I., Favilli F., Corradini P. | O- oral presentation |
Enhancement of green infrastructure in Polish Carpathians for ecological benefits and sustainable local development | Mikołajczyk P. | O- oral presentation |
Sustainability measured by annual statistical reports – Đerdap National Park (Serbia) | Pantić M., Milijić S. | O- oral presentation |
Gifts of the forest - contemporary use of wild mushrooms: Cases from the Carpathians in Romania and Ukraine | Stryamets N., Mattalia G., Pieroni A., Sõukand R. | O- oral presentation |
Green infrastructure as an active tool of support to spatial stability and biodiversity of landscape | Moyzeová M., Kočický D., Šíblová Z. | P- poster presentation |
Online environment as tool to push forward the recherche: an example for landscape disservices | Stupariu I., Ionescu A. Tudor R., Clius M. | P- poster presentation |
Negative effects of road traffic on vertebrate species – A literature review from Hungary | Borza S., Godó L., Valkó Deák B. | P- poster presentation |
Global changes and local responses: resilience, adaptations,innovations for the sustainable development of Carpathians tourist destinations | Matei E., Mika M. | |
Tourism, ecology, and the roles of musicking in the Polish Tatras Mountains | Cooley T. | O- oral presentation |
Exploring tourism in Tatra National Park and Low Tatras National Park by using social big data | Rusňák T. , Gašparovičová P., Lieskovský J. | O- oral presentation |
Skiing area development and sustainability issues in Romanian Carpathians | Mihai B.A., Teodor M., Săvulescu I., Dumitrescu A., Vîrghileanu M., Dobre R., Ilie L. | O- oral presentation |
Exploring visitors’ spatial behaviour as a basis for protected areas management – a case study from the Tatra Mountains | Hibner J., Taczanowska K. | O- oral presentation |
Cooperation for the digital promotion of destinations in the Polish Carpathians: DMOs’ perspective on the use of ICT | Pawłowska-Legwand A. | O- oral presentation |
Lessons learned for resilience of tourism industry in the Romanian Carpathians during Sars-Cov-2 Pandemic | Matei E. | P- poster presentation |
Sentiment analysis as feedback for improving sustainable management in Northern Subcarpathians of Oltenia Destination | Trutescu, M.N., Nicolaie, D., Matei, E. | P- poster presentation |
Best practices of education for sustainable development in the Carpathians and other mountainous regions | Mitrofanenko T., Varga A. , Zawiejska J. | |
Bringing primary school pupils closer to environmental education. Proposal for a field itinerary in Romanian Carpathian Mountains | Drăgan T., Moroșanu G.A. | O- oral presentation |
Recommendations for Stronger Integration of Education for Sustainable Development into the Carpathian Convention: results of a participatory process | Mitrofanenko T., Varga A., Zawiejska J. | O- oral presentation |
BioLearn – project about how to use biomimicry in education for sustainability | Neumayer É., Dobiasova M., Medalova K. | O- oral presentation |
Respect Nature in the Carpathians | Shchoka I., Rossberg M., Öllös H. | O- oral presentation |
Scientists and humanists working together to propose new (and old) approaches to ecology in the Carpathians | Cooley T. J., Trebunia-Staszel S., Trzeszczyńska P., Sochacki Ł. | |
Using traditional ecological knowledge, science, and music to imagine new relationships with mountain ecosystems | Cooley T. | O- oral presentation |
Unfolding the Potential of Cultural Heritage: a Case Study from Val Venosta (South Tyrol, Italy) | Schmidt R., Agosti E. | O- oral presentation |
In the woods – In the wild. An artistic research project of speculative ecology in Transcarpathia | Alam B., Benn R., Deifel V., Kräftner B., Rebhandl M. | O- oral presentation |
Between space and view: Inhabiting a landscape in the Bieszczady Mountains | Trzeszczyńska P. | O- oral presentation |
“Is it sill our land?” Between traditional and modern ways of using the land. Example of the Tatra mountain region called Podhale | Trebunia-Staszel S. | O- oral presentation |
4. Innovative policies and governance | ||
The power of social innovation in mountain ares to steer a sustainable governance of nature | Nijnik M., Perlik M., Melnykovych M., Kopiy S. | |
How to turn stakeholder evaluation of multi-functional forestry into innovative forest governance practices to enhance sustainability transformation in the Carpathian Mountains? | Nijnik M., Kluvankova T., Nijnik A., Melnykovych M., Zahvoyska L., Brnkalakova S., Kopiy S., Kopiy L., Fizyk I., Sarkki S. | O- oral presentation |
Citizen Science in the Carpathians – adopting Living Lab approach | Adam M., Györgyi B., Miklós B., Ochwat-Marcinkiewicz M. , Okániková Z., Trojan J., Lehejček J. | O- oral presentation |
Impacts of social innovation on spatiality in mountain–lowland relationships: Trajectories of two Swiss regional initiatives in the context of new policy regimes | Perlik M. | O- oral presentation |
Can social innovation offer transformative opportunities to forestry in Ukraine? | Nijnik M., Nijnik A., Kluvankova T., Melnykovych M., Kopiy S., Barlagne C., Kopiy L., Miller D., Soloviy I., Fizyk I., Sarkki S. | O- oral presentation |
The power of social innovations to tackle challenges in forestry: Switzerland and Ukraine in the focus | Melnykovych M., Wilkes-Allemann J., Nijnik, M. | O- oral presentation |
Social innovation and Biodiversity Conservation through Participatory Management of protected areas in Eastern Slovakia: Reconciling nature conservation with local development | Meessen H., Svajda J., Kohler T. | P- poster presentation |
Green for Care - Stakeholder Analysis | Florea S., Cucuiat S., Tomsa V. | P- poster presentation |
Getting it done right : Mediation for sustainable use and reuse of the Carpathians resources | Kubal Czerwinska M., Krzesiwo K. | |
How does Forest Stewardship Certification address the legality issues in the context of European national frameworks? | Buliga B., Nichiforel L. | O- oral presentation |
Use of renewable energy resources and management of waste recycling projects in the Romanian plain. Case study: Giurgiu county, Romania | Ducman A., Teodorescu C., Stoica A.E., Costache R., Butoi A.F. | O- oral presentation |
Policies for integration of ecosystem services into local bioenergy strategies: challenges and opportunities for the Ukrainian Carpathians | Soloviy I., Björnsen Gurung A., Maksymiv L., Zahvoyska L., Chelepis T., Dubnevych P. | O- oral presentation |
The route of riverine macroplastic: a transdisciplinary perspective | Liro M., van Emmerik T., Wyżga B., Liro J., Mikuś P., Hajdukiewicz H. | O- oral presentation |
Instructions for Presenters
The maximal number of presentations per registered participant is 1 oral + 1 poster. We expect that for oral presentations the allotted time will be 15 minutes maximum + 5 minutes for discussion. In case of flash talks, speakers will have 3 minutes in total.
Please prepare your presentation in .ppt, .pptx (Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003-2017 format) or .pdf file in advance of the conference. Please note that using your own notebook is not recommended.
A flash talk is a short presentation lasting only three minutes, including two slides in which speakers present a scientific concept or idea in a manner understandable across a range of disciplines, while also encouraging the audience to visit the poster session.
Posters should be prepared for standard STANDING (PORTRAIT) A/0 size (84 x 119 cm – 1 sqm).
In case the conference had to be held in online or hybrid modes, due to COVID-19 pandemic, all technical facilities will be available.
Publication options
Abstract Proceedings will be provided to the participants on the conference website. The Organizing Committee will try to find the appropriate publishing opportunities for all oral presentations and posters in special issues of scientific journals (e.g. MDPI journals as the Sustainability with link https://www.mdpi.com/journal/sustainability).
Official language of the conference will be English.
Time Frame
2nd April 2021 | Abstract submission deadline | |
19th April 2021 | Notification of abstract acceptance and announcement about oral and poster presentations | |
14th May 2021* | Early bird registration fee deadline | |
30th May 2021* | Standard registration fee deadline | |
14th June 2021* | Latest registration fee deadline |
* In the case of continuous uncertainty with respect to the COVID-19 pandemic, adjustments will be made and communicated, accordingly
The online registration form and all current information on registration fees and payment are provided on the conference website: REGISTRATION
Scientific Committee
Pavel Cudlin, Global Change Research Institute CAS CR
Astrid Björnsen Gurung, Swiss Federal Institute for Forest
Yurij Bihun, University of Vermont
Lubos Halada, Institute of Landscape Ecology SAS
Christian Hoffmann, Eurac Research
Dominik Kaim, Jagiellonian University
William Keeton, University of Vermont
Ivan Kruhlov, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
Elena Matei, Bucharest University
Katalin Mázsa, Centre for Ecological Research
Marcel Mindrescu, Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava
Tamara Mitrofanenko, Secretariat of the CC/BOKU
Catalina Monteanu, Humboldt University of Berlin
Maria Nijnik, The James Hutton Institute
Péter Ódor, Centre for Ecological Research
Katarzyna Ostapowicz, Jagiellonian University
Márta Vetier, Central European University
Joanna Zawiejska, Pedagogical University of Cracow
Local Organising Committee
Pavel Cudlin, Global Change Research Institute CAS CR; cudlin.p@czechglobe.cz; mobil: 420 604 272 215
Radek Plch, Global Change Research Institute CAS CR; plch.r@czechglobe.cz
Hana Šprtová, Global Change Research Institute CAS CR; sprtova.h@czechglobe.cz
Miroslava Šprtová, Global Change Research Institute CAS CR
Tomáš Žid, Mendel University in Brno
The conference is co-financed by the Governments of Czechia, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia through Visegrad Grants from International Visegrad Fund. The mission of the fund is to advance ideas for sustainable regional cooperation in Central Europe.